IBM Watson Advertising
Augmented Reality
What do cookies, shampoo and wine have in common? Believe it or not, the weather.
Fact is, the weather affects more than someone’s mood. It impacts their behavior, too. Where they go, what they buy and how they shop. It’s pretty obvious that people tend to buy hot coffee in colder weather and iced lattes when it’s warm out. But the data goes much deeper, and it runs across all types of industry verticals, from retail to automotive to CPG.
WEATHERfx from IBM Watson Advertising utilizes this data to help brands succeed. It’s a real-time targeting platform that powers display ads, using weather triggers and local conditions to put brands in front of the right people at the right moment.
When the sales team at IBM Watson Advertising wanted a direct mail piece to tout the successes of WEATHERfx to existing and prospective advertisers, they needed something that wouldn’t just end up in the recycle bin.
So we developed The WEATHERfx Awards, featuring an Augmented Reality experience that revealed “winning” weather conditions for selling different products: cookies, shampoo and wine. The awards took the form of golden, animated trophies that popped off the printed mailers and showcased the compelling sales metrics.
The first interactive award honoring the weather was a huge success. Almost as much as WEATHERfx has had on brands.